
I had an invitation from a publisher a while back to submit a short story for possible inclusion in a forthcoming collection. Whilst not my genre I was up for the challenge and decided to give it a go. Having written and submitted the story I got some positive feedback but wasn’t altogether convinced that it would make the cut. In anticipation of this I started to look for an alternative home. There are lots of magazines devoted to this genre but checking out their sites can be a demoralising experience. Some apologise because they won’t be accepting new submissions until they have cleared a backlog. I mean, why advertise your administrative shortcomings to the world? Who would want to submit to an editor only to have their work lie on file for weeks perhaps until someone gets round to reading it?

Anyway, since I’m awaiting a result on short story no.1 I wrote another and had it accepted by a magazine called Horrified . Thing is, I’ve now thought of three ideas for other stories and have one underway already.

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